Free shipping !


Shipping Information

We are happy to provide our customers with great value and service.

1. Delivery Locations
We are proud to offer international delivery to over 200 countries. However, there are some locations that we are unable to deliver to. If you happen to be from one of these countries, we will contact you to make alternative arrangements.

2. Processing Time
All orders are processed within 1-5 business days. Orders are not processed or shipped on weekends or holidays. You will receive a confirmation email with tracking information once your order has shipped.

3. Shipping Costs and Estimated Delivery Time

United States:

Standard Shipping:
Orders Under $100: $5.50
Orders Over $100: Free
Estimated Delivery Time: 7-10 Business Days
Expedited Shipping:
Orders Under $100: $22.50
Orders Over $100: $10.00
Estimated Delivery Time: 3-5 Business Days


Standard Shipping:
Orders Under $100: $8.95
Orders Over $100: Free
Estimated Delivery Time: 10-20 Business Days
Expedited Shipping:
Orders Under $100: $32.50
Orders Over $100: $15.00
Estimated Delivery Time: 5-10 Business Days
Please note that delivery times are estimates and may vary depending on your carrier and location.

4. Free Shipping
We offer free standard shipping on US and international orders over $100. This promotion will be automatically applied at checkout for eligible orders.

5. Tracking Your Shipment
Once your order has shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number and a link to track your shipment. Please allow 24-48 hours for tracking information to be updated.

6. Shipping Delays
While we strive to ensure timely delivery of your order, delays may occur due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather, customs clearance for international orders, or peak holiday times. We are not responsible for shipping delays caused by carriers or events beyond our control.

7. Lost or Damaged Shipments
If your shipment is lost or damaged in transit, please contact us at as soon as possible. We will work with the carrier to resolve the issue and ensure you receive your item.

8. Address Changes
Please ensure your shipping address is correct at checkout. If you need to change your shipping address after placing your order, please contact us immediately at We will do our best to accommodate changes if your order has not yet been processed or shipped.

Taxes & Duties
Depending on the country or region, taxes are charged on Shopify orders. Customers will see applicable sales taxes at checkout for each specific order.
